Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our First Adventure:: Old Sturbridge Village

Yesterday we embarked on a long walk through the dirt paths of Old Sturbridge Village. While I have been there before, Locksley has not, and was quite curious as to everything. Here is picture of him just after we got into the Village, after having spotted a chipmunk going into the very same hole. Unfortunately, his slightly bigger girth prevented him from getting in, but he let me take his picture.

After we entered, we came across a pole with directions to take on it, at least that was Locksley's opinion. Thank goodness I can read, or we would have been lost for sure.

We went through the center pretty quickly, enjoying the sunshine, and all the interpreters in costume. Down we went to the mills and the Freeman Farm, one of my favorite places. They were doing so many things down there; one of the mills was running, half a dozen farmers were in the fields, three people were struggling to yoke two oxen and they were cooking potato- squash pie in the farmhouse. We didn't get to taste any though, or even see it, because Locksley was anxious to see the pigs. I'm not really sure why, because neither of us really like them at all, and Locksley always complains they are a nuisance unless they are on a plate, sliced and fried, but what would he know about pigs? Anyway,here they were, napping, and then just as we walked up, one of them decided that where the other one was sleeping was better, and attempted, rather unsuccessfully, to push the other away. In the end they both flopped down and took a nap, an occasional grunt or kick to show their continuing displeasure. Here they are in the middle of their pushing match.

After that, we wandered back up and through the herb garden, passing the Grant General Store in which they sell some of the most divine chocolate chip cookies that I have ever tasted. We didn't buy any though, and Locksely moped for the next fifteen minutes while we, or should I say I admired the poppies and roses in the herb garden. But before we left, I took a picture of the old bridge going over the pond; 200 years old, and still strong enough to take the weight of a horse drawn passenger wagon! The picture itself has an interesting story; you see there was a tree that walked right in front of the camera and... but Locksley is telling me to cut it short and just tell you that this picture was after the tree decided to move out of the way.

So that was our first adventure, small, and with only a whiff of pastry, but we had a good time and will enjoy going back again. Did you know, in all the times I've been there, I have never left without learning something new? For instance yesterday I learned about the funny shoes women wore in the rain to stay abouve the mud and puddles, and... Alright Locksley, I'm coming!