Saturday, May 29, 2010

And still waiting...

For the new computer to accept our pictures. Coming up this week (hopefully) will be our adventure to Mystic Seaport at the beginning of the month and the cool pictures we got of the massive lightning storm outside our window here at home. Then hopefully we will get to the two times we've been to the Boston Science Museum (once to see the Harry Potter Exhibition!) and the several other, of lesser important places (such as the flower store, lunch out one day, etc.)

Thank you for bearing with the both of us, and if you asked, the computer glitch was probably Locksley's fault... :)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Catching up...

In the last year, Locksley and I have posted a grand total of three times. With probably five readers, it is not a big deal, except to us. So whoever reads this, know that we are working on getting up the adventures we haven't posted yet. Unfortunately, putting a date on then may be a little tricky, but at least you can experience the fun!

(This is what I get for leaving Locksely in charge of compiling pictures and events... )

We promise, or at least I do as I cannot speak for the still sleeping raccoon I live with, to post with a little more regularity. So bear with us, and in the next couple of weeks, we will get our things sorted and put up!