Monday, June 28, 2010

The Coolest Thunderstorm EVER!

Check these pictures out while the pictures are being put up. This storm happened about a month ago, but the pictures are still really cool. Even Locksley liked it, and he is not usually so pleased.

This one is my favorite! From the left side of the window and back, it was really cloudy. From the right side of the window and back, it was a very clear night. SO weird!

This one I actually caught the lightning as it flashed! It is a little blurry, but I am pleased with the result.



Well, After a long wait, our pictures are loading, as we speak even! In the next couple of days, we will be loading pictures; from Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut, Highland Games in New Hampshire, and the Museum Of Science in Massachussetts. WOOT!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To whom it may concern...

Lockelsey and I are following this really awesome blog about somebody else's adventures, faith-filled, inspiring, and totally cool! He is a friend of ours(well, mine anyway... he hasn't met Locksley... and it's probably a good thing because he would think I'm crazy!) and it would be really great if any of our readers, if we have any at all, would go and read it too! You can find it HERE, and he also has pictures, video (I think, but my computer won't let me load them if he does) and an online journal (NOT a blog...)

Anyway, check it out. He's doing a lot more than Locksley and me at the moment, and it will give you something to do while you wait for my computer to load my pictures this week.
