Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lizzy Is Slacking (By Locksley)

It is about time that there is a new post, and Lizzy has seemed to forgotten all about it, so it is my solemn duty to update you on the goings on around these parts.

Lizzy is remaining very busy with her online store, too busy even to remember me, or our readers. I am doing what I do best, overseeing Lizzy. I make sure everything is of the finest quality and well made, and remind her when it is time for lunch.

Adventures are on their way, so never fear! I have convinced Lizzy to take a small day trip sometime in the near future, and I assume a post will follow, thought you never know about Lizzy. She can be so scatterbrained. Take Monday for example. She completely forgot to give me my lunch, and dinner too, and I had to make an effort to get it for myself.

But that is beside the point. We are going on an adventure, if I have to drag her out kicking and screaming.

So check back soon. I will be here.


(but mostly Locksley)

(Note to reader: Locksley is once again exaggerating. I have not forgotten you, and I do not need to be dragged anywhere. I am completely willing to leave on an adventure at anytime. However, what Locksley does not realise because of his extreme laziness [exhibited here] is that it takes time to plan an enjoyable trip. So disregard pretty much 100% of what Locksley is telling you. Peace, Lizzy.)