Friday, June 10, 2011

Locksley Runs Away

Yep. It is true. the irascible raccoon known as Locksley took off several days ago while we were on a walk with a friend. He was behind me one second... then poof! Gone! Of course I was worried. He is my friend after all, and too small to be noticed by cars, small enough to be picked up by dogs, and cute enough to be carried away by children. And what was he doing while I was backtracking through four miles in the blazing sunshine and heat?? Admiring scenery. For real. Sheesh. What a friend. Not a word mind that he was going to take off, just up and left me and our friend.

Here is where I found him, closer to where we started than to where we ended. Talk about a short attention span.

. Oh well. At least I found him. And I got a new clip soo he is now completely secure. If he gets away this time, it won't be my fault. Silly Raccoon.

Until next time dear readers (i'm hoping there won't be a next time with this kind of adventure...).