Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Never Trust a Raccoon...

This is a cautionary tale. A tale about how you should never trust large, furry ring-tailed rodents that would rather dig through the rubbish than listen to the only friend they have. A tale about the dangers of giving over temporary blogging rights to a masked bandit with four paws and a tail. In short, it is a tale about Locksley.

Last summer found us very busy, getting ready for an eventual home-base move, and then autumn came, and with it the prep of the winter festivities.  Those came and went, and for the first time in 6 months, I have found myself with nothing to do but blog. So of course in my busy months I have asked of Locksley only one thing. To keep up the blog. We may be only travelling locally to our favourite haunts, and most days the most adventure we have is getting stuck on the side of the road in a snowstorm, but he failed even to do that. Like the long overdue post about Locksley's friend Guy Fox's visit to the states for a minuteman rally at our favourtie place in the world. Where he introduced us to other friends of his in their british uniforms who answered any question you could possibly think of (even when they didn't know the answer). I wasn't asking for much.

Here is what I discovered instead. Nothing. Not one post in six months. No so much as a how-do-you-do. I know he is over my slight over-reaction to his disappearance this summer, because he claims it never happened. So what has he been doing?? Nothing. Well, unless you account for the pictures he took on my camera all summer. Of him.

 Hanging Out...

 Close Up?

 Mug Shot.

 Um... Zip line practice?

 Chilling on the sofa... sigh.

 Focus Dude!

Supreme Close-up. :)

And so, to all our readers, we apologize. Well, I will apologize anyway. And let it be a lesson to you, never let your raccoon take charge of your blog.
