Saturday, June 30, 2012

Just Living

Things have been very quiet on the homefront the last few weeks. We have field-trips galore planned for the summer, including a polo match (exciting no?) and another favourite haunt of ours, Walden Pond, with a dear friend.

But the present has been quiet. We have been up near dawn for walks, organizing and getting our creative on, and we have been petsitting a very sweet old puppy and his two cats. We have had hours in a day to just sit with friends over ice cream or go to a movie (there are a couple of good ones out there this summer). We have been busy, still adventuring, but differently than usual. We are enjoying just living. And sometimes it is all you need.

And until next time, we wish you the best kind of just living!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Woodstock Fair

At the end of every summer, Locksley and I go and hang out at different end-of-the-summer fairs. Last year, we (rather sadly) were not able to make the one that we love so much... King Richard's Fair. But we did get to go to the Woodstock Fair... apparently a wildly popular and well-known attraction, and crazy busy.

Unfortunately, we don't have very many pictures of our escapades. My hands were constantly on a small raccoon who wanted to wander wherever he will. But we did get a few snaps from our day.

This one was our favorite, not because it was a great shot... it was actually an accidental take... but because of the contents. Look close, and you might see it too!

Do you see it?? Look closer!


Technically, it was not alive, though very real. The rangers were at the entrance, telling us about the native animals, if they were endangered or not, and if they were pest problems. For anyone who cared to know, both squirrels and raccoons are known pests.

After accidentally capturing evidence of killer squirrels, we wandered around, looking at various sheep, cows, and baby animals. Most of them didn't stay still long enough to snap a shot, but as I have already stated, my hands were full anyways. We *did* get a picture of one sheep... Locksley is pretty sure it's a professional executioner in its spare time.

The executioner sheep...

Here were some more sights:

The biggest sand cornucopia you've ever seen.

Watching the merry-go-round. Why do the horses always look terrified?

I still, to this day, have never had cotton candy.


And then, walking near one of the stages, what should we see but:

Say WHAT???

Needless to say were were both pretty excited to see this. I will admit it right now. I LOVE Little Big Town. And yes, by extension that means my primary music indulgence is country. But that is beside the point. What matters is that we ended up at the Woodstock fair, and for the price of admission, we got to see (and hear) Little Big Town!

A box.

Even Locksley posed for a pic!

A picture from the back of the stage. Too bad we couldn't get any closer... but it was close enough. :)

We sat, or rather stood, and enjoyed the music for awhile, and then traipsed off to the rides. Locksley was not allowed on any of them, being a raccoon, but I'm sure he enjoyed himself nevertheless. After I spent my tickets, we pooled together the last of our coins and got ourselves a fried dough, which in case you didn't know, is heaven on a plate, and a traditional end-of-fair feast for us. Then we walked back to the car, and sat to enjoy the sounds of the fair, the screams of kids on the rides, the distant music, the din of animals, and the general happy sound that emanates from such a place, where so many are gathered to have fun.

And so that ends our fair adventure. Until the next time watch out for those killer squirrels and executioner sheep!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Guy Fox

We have mentioned a name a few times on this blog. The name of Guy Fox. He is a friendly fellow with a cheery smile and a heart of gold. And last summer, he came to visit. Of course when he did, I was ridiculously busy and unable to blog and, well, we've already mentioned Locksley lack of willpower to get things done. So Now I take a moment to write about our wonderful get together at our favorite haunt, Old Sturbridge Village.

We went to the Redcoats and Rebels weekend that our favorite place had put on, just like we do every year. Unfortunately we were late, and most of the good stuff was gone. But this is what was there:

A Field of Flags.

Smoke!! Boy was that loud.

Marching away.

One of the redcoat men stopped to chat with Mr. Chauffeur

A rebel pipe band. They weren't really talkative types.

A large pile of gear. Locksley had to be prevented from going through it.

And so we walked though, watched them pack up camp, then stopped to go to the little raccoon's room, and get a drink. When we sat down, Locksley insisted on his portrait being made. (Vain beast!) And he insists it needs to go on the blog. Which it would've done... if he had kept up with the posting.

But that is beside the point. We sat down with out drinks, and a little snack (The Grant Store makes the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet. Seriously), and who sauntered up but Guy! We were pretty excited. He said he had come with the redcoats, and that one of his cousins was staying with Sargent Such-and-Such and was invited to come be part of the action.We chatted for a few minutes, but then he announced that he had to be getting back to the bus so he didn't miss his ride. Before he left, I was allowed to take a couple of snaps.

Meet Guy Fox!!

                        Guy And Locksley. Why Locksley is looking at the ground I'll never know.

So that was our adventure. A friendly face in a favorite place. Good friends. Good times. Great cookies.

Until next time, may your adventures be fiilled with the same!!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Time to Catch Up...

This week, I will be (FINALLY) updating our blog, and getting the stories from LAST year published, and catch up for this year. We thank you for your patience... well, I do anyway. I'm pretty sure that Locksley could care less.

Stay tuned! We mean this time.