Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Slight Delay...

For our polo match today. It rained here today. Which is good news for the flowers. Bad news for us event goers. The next polo match that we have any interest in attending will be early Septemebr. Which is quite a wait. But not as bad as a whole year.

But stay tuned for our other adventures this summer!

Until next time!

Stone Zoo

Yesterday found Locksley and I flocking with thousands of others to Stone Zoo, a sister zoo to Franklin Park. We, like all there with us, were taking advantage of the free admission and to see what they had that Franklin Park didn't.

Before entering (which took a while) we ate some lunch; deviled ham sandwiches with caramel popcorn and water. Locksley enjoyed the popcorn a little too much.

Locksley enjoying his meal.

Stone Zoo, we found out upon entering, has mostly animals that are native to North America, with a sprinkling of animals found in south America and Africa. We wandered from place to place, looking for various animals as seen on the map. Many were inside because of the heat (which Locksley managed to mention every five minutes was the smart thing to be done) and there were quite a few empty displays. But we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless, though we got fewer pictures than normal due to the animals hiding away.

Here is what we *did* see:

Bear. He is very hard to see, but he's there!

Cougar... I think we woke it up

Owl. I'm sure we woke it up.

Locksley. This is not the first time I've threatened him with becoming the Zoo's new exhibit.

Bats. This was a hard shot to get.

They told me it was a scorpion. All I know was that it was large and creepy. And behind thick glass.

A Gila Monster. Well, two of them, but you could barely tell.

Jaguar. Sleeping.

Locksley hanging over a fence. The one that may have said not to climb it.  

Flamingos! With babies! We were amazed that they kept the stink at bay.

Show off.

Macaws. They were HUGE!

Meerkat. He seriously posed for this. No kidding.

Sloth. Self explanatory.

Otter. He was tricky to get a photo of.

Baby gibbon. He was so cute, though a little dizzying to watch.

Mountain Goats.

We finished off the day by walking up to see the Snow Leopard and the Grey Wolf, but the leopard wouldn't stay still long enough to photograph, and the wolf was on top of a very tall hill, looking very threatening and angry. We wandered back halfway through the park before we found the exit, because neither of us are very good map readers, and away we went.  We had a lot to talk about on the way home. While not as exciting or as cohesively set up as either of the other zoos we have blogged about, it was, in its own way, quite charming. We enjoyed ourselves despite the crowds and lack of navigation skills, and we certainly got practice in spotting animals that do not wish to be spotted. And on the way home, with caramel popcorn in hand (and paw), we agreed that it was a place we may like to go to again, when there are less crowds and more animals.

Until our next adventure, we are yours,