Monday, September 10, 2012

Another Trip To...

Franklin Park Zoo!
This summer found us at the lovely Franklin Park Zoo. Unfortunately, it also found us very late getting out of bed and leaving to go, so we only got to spend a couple of hours wandering the very busy, and very HOT paths. Nevertheless we enjoyed ourselves, and got to visit a couple of our friends from our previous trip. The Black Swans were taking an afternoon bath when we arrived, and the giraffes were having lunch across from where we stopped to eat. The lion didn't want to talk to us, but Mr. Horn-bill was more than happy to pose for the camera.


Reaching for lunch...


We also inspected the folly on the grounds, and interesting piece of architecture stuck in the middle of the African Safari. I tried to send Locksley in to get a better look at it from the inside, but it was the one time he decided not to break the rules...


And of course, no post of ours would be complete without you knowing exactly what we ate. :-)

Waiting impatiently for our order. There was a lot of people... and a lot of waiting.


Where to next?!?

The place started to close up pretty quickly after our late luncheon. Animals went in, and we wandered back and forth, viewing the last few sights, and trying to figure out how to get out. We were successful, deciding that following the crushing crowd of people toward the large sign that said EXIT was our wisest choice.

And so our very short adventure ended. But we look forward to sharing much more with you!!

So stay tuned!

 Until then we are yours,

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Lockley and I were planning on putting up our summer posts this weekend, but then I got sick. And we've already witnessed Locksley's commitment to the blog, so while he promised, I wasn't expecting much.

So stay tuned. As soon as I am feeling physically up to it, you shall have your posts!

Until then we are yours,