Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It is a sad day today. Today we have discovered that our adventures have thus far been bereft of any pastry. And that is our mission. To find adventure, and the perfect pastry. We've found some adventure, but no pastries. So we have failed thus far.

There is something depressingly sad about finding out how empty your life is without a delicious pastry. And we seem to be having a severe lack of them anywhere near us at any given time. Besides, informs Locksley, half the fun is taking pictures of food you've enjoyed, and watching other people wish they had one too. (How he can watch them remains a mystery to me...)

Anyway, we apologize for the failure to complete our mission to you, and show you the world's most perfect pastries. Guaranteed that we will be more careful in the future. Who would want to miss out on that?

Peace and pastries to all,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dying To Go

For Christmas this year,from one of our close friends, we recieved a book. "1,000 Places to See Before You Die". She knows how we long to travel, and said "For your planning purposes..." Now we are dying to get going. Well, itching at least. The daily routine now includes getting up and picking up the book (which is on the bedside table), and tagging places that we would really like to see. Then we argue over what would be the best place to start, and where we should go when we are there.

I personally would like to go to England or Ireland first, then swing around for a European tour, followed by a prolonged stop in Egypt.

Locksley on the otherhand, would like to start with a road trip across the U.S., followed by a trip to England and Scotland, then a prolonged stop somewhere else (he didn't specify), preferably where I am not.

But as we tag, and discover more and more places to see, we have realised that never, not once in anyone's lifetime, can you see all there is to see. But Locksley and I vow to be (possibly the first) adventurers to see everyplace in the world... or we will die trying.

Until then dear readers, we are yours,

Friday, December 17, 2010

Getting Antsy... (by Locksley)

Young Lizzy is taking here time getting trips and such ready to go. I understand completely that she needs to save up, nd collect her needs and such things, but why does it take a human so long? I don't bring anything, and can forage as I go. If Lizzy could manage this kind of simpliciity, there would be much more to write about.

But, I see that writing needs be done, to keep our dearest readers (Lizzy's term, not mine)interested, I am going to tell you about a visit I may be taking quite soon to my friend Guy Fox.

He's quite 'a good chap' as he would say, from England. He has been living close to here for a few years now though, ever since the Fox Hunting became out of control in the area he lived.

I am planning to visit him for the Christmas season, as Lizzy will most likely not miss me at all. I find cameras too cumbersome, and who wants pictures of others anyway, so I am warning you that there will be none of Guy Fox, as much as I'm sure he'd like it.

So that is all for now, and I have nothing more to say...

(A Note From Lizzy, who saw this AFTER it was published: I am planning to invite Guy Fox over for the New Years, and there will be pictures. And further more, understanding that Locksely's brain is too small to hold one complete thought in his head, he types so slow, and he probably kept getting up to do stuff, you will understand how this post makes virtually no sense whatever.Peace! )

(A note from Lockley: My brian is a perfect size, and it doesn't hold more than it absolutely nessessary, and I can make sense with a complete thought. So don't pay attention to Lizzy. She is jealous of my superior writing skills!)

(Another note from Lizzy: I am not! And furthermore, you smell like fish!)

(Another note from Locksley: I don't see how smelling like fish has anything to do with this. Jealous!)