Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It is a sad day today. Today we have discovered that our adventures have thus far been bereft of any pastry. And that is our mission. To find adventure, and the perfect pastry. We've found some adventure, but no pastries. So we have failed thus far.

There is something depressingly sad about finding out how empty your life is without a delicious pastry. And we seem to be having a severe lack of them anywhere near us at any given time. Besides, informs Locksley, half the fun is taking pictures of food you've enjoyed, and watching other people wish they had one too. (How he can watch them remains a mystery to me...)

Anyway, we apologize for the failure to complete our mission to you, and show you the world's most perfect pastries. Guaranteed that we will be more careful in the future. Who would want to miss out on that?

Peace and pastries to all,

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