Friday, July 16, 2010

The Beach!

This is another first for both me and Locksley. Well, I've been before, but that was more than eleven years ago. Locksley was so excited, I could say he was almost cheerful, and was certainly more fun than he has ever been.

It was an uneventful drive for the most part. We listened to tunes, took a picture of a bridge that had a suicide prevention sign up (which was kinda of funny, but at the same time, totally not), and stopped at a really neat fish resteraunt. As a general rule of thumb, I don't eat fish, but I was promised that fish fresh out of the ocean tasted much better, so I sucked it up and had some and guess what? It didn't even kill me! Locksley loves fish, and would probably live off of it if I bought more, so he was totally happy. In fact, he was so happy, he played with his food, and let me take some pictures of him doing it. (Yes, Locksley, I'm putting them ALL up!)

So let me introduce... LUNCH!

Our standard picture of lunch...

French Fry Fangs!

Drinking my Sprite...

Oh no! It's killed him!

Locksley informed me that we have a picture not only of the bridge, but of the sign out front of the resteraunt. He wants me to put them up, so here they are...

The bridge. Look closely to the right and you will see a suicide prevention sign. I thik there was also a call box next to it...

This is the sign in front of the resteraunt. you need to read it to get the next picture...

Do we understand?

After lunch, we headed out to the beach! we spent about fifteen seconds setting up chairs and an umbrella, then went to play in the water. I don't have many picture because we got carried away pretty fast, but here is what we do have.

The clouds made rings!

The Beach!!

People on the beach

Lots of Seaweed!

A crab!

We spent four hours playing around, suffering pinched toes and shoulders bit by horseflies. It was all worth it in the end, and we had a ton of fun, picting up crabs, a lot of shells, and a couple of clams (or were they oysters?). We packed up when it started to get dark, sand covered and all, and stopped for some subs, which we didn't take a picture of, mostly because it was dark out.

Coming home, we took a long shower to wash the sand off, which was a useless exercise since we were still covered in the morning.

But no complaints! the beach is always a lot of fun, and I can't wait to go back. Until that day, dear readers, were are yours truly,

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