Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Small Adventure of Lizzy, Not Locksley

I went on a hike near every day this week. I love being outdoors, and I especially love hiking. Some like beaches, some like vast areas of field and plains. I like trees. So I went, and I offered (more than once) to bring Locksley, but he said (and I quote):

"I have had enough of the uncivilized life in the woods. I don't know why you are lowering yourself to the standards of those kinds of things."

Fine. I went myself, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Who wouldn't? There were small animals(like squirrels), bigger animals (like beavers), feathered animals (like cranes), a lot of water, a lot of trees, and a lot of sun.

On the (very probable) last time for hiking in the next two weeks or so, I took almost a hundred pictures, some of which will go into my Scrapbook of Favorite Places.

Here are a few of my favorite places on the trails, and a couple of landmarks that I thought were really neat:

So what do you think?

Now, to get my things gathered for Kentucky...

Peace from

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