Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Before We Begin...

OK, so here's the thing... We are officially done with our vacation. I have posts that have been written in a notebook, waiting for the last two weeks, but unfortunately for us, not having our own computer, and the poor Internet access we got in the hotel when we were allowed to borrow one made it nearly impossible to even think about posting them, let alone putting pictures up. But now that Locksley and I are back, and the computer has a decent Internet connection, we will be spending the next few days putting up pictures and our posts. Because these will not be time-stamped correctly, and for our benefit as well as yours, dear readers, we will put the dates at the beginning of the posts in bold.

Now that that is cleared up, and we have admitted our being poor at keeping up posts, it's time to get on with the regularly scheduled program... :)

We are yours,

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