Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Jonas Brothers... :)

Ok, so this didn't happen while we were in Kentucky, But I thought it was pretty amazing, and deserved a spot to interrupt the Kentucky posts.

Locksley and I went to a benefit ball game, raising awareness for texting and driving deaths. We got free tickets last minute at the beginning of the week, and decided to travel up to go see it. It was about that time we found out that the Jonas Brothers (yes, the famous ones... :) ) were going to be playing at the game. OMG! I am not as big a fan as some people are, but hey, they're famous, and why not go see them if you can? So we did, and had a blast. We didn't stay for the whole game because it was absolutely boiling out, but we did stay long enough to find out three things;

1) that the game was almost certainly rigged in favor of the Jonas brothers,

2), that screaming girls are not as ridiculously funny to be around as they are to watch on TV (and it really hurts your ears)

And 3), that The Jonas Brothers look really short (at least from where I was sitting) and aren't half bad to look at (yes, I mean that they are cute).

We left after maybe an hour and a half or so, but we throuroughly enjoyed the time we spent. And here are the pictures we got... well ok, that our Mama got for us because she was closer and had a high-zoom lens.

Nick Jonas batting

Nick Jonas watching

Kevin and Nick watching

Joe Jonas catching

And Frankie Jonas, being bat boy.

Nice huh?

Until next time, we are yours,

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