Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

Sunday, August 1


Locksley is...


Looks like it...


(See? We're moving!)

Yay! We made it! We're actually going! Locksley and I have to share a seat, because there are not quite enough, but hey? That's not the worst that can happen! He is small enough and light enough that he can sit on my lap with almost no trouble at all, and he sleeps most of the time anyway.

This trip is not exactly a thrilling one so far, but we get to add a few more states to our list of ones we've been to (Locksley now has 7 and I have ...a lot). Here's what we did so far...

Made it to Connecticut. They didn't have a 'welcome to' sign. Hmmm. Maybe they don't like visitors.

Stopped at a rest stop.

Watched 'Swiss Family Robinson'

Had a late breakfast/right-on-time lunch. (We had French toast, egg, bacon, and cranberry juice that was spilt all over my white shirt. Club soda works wonders...)

Made it to New York.

Stopped at a rest stop.

Watched another *really old* movie.

Drove over a scary bridge.

Watched it start to rain.

Stopped at a rest stop.

Made it to Pennsylvania

Watched it rain harder.

Stopped at a rest stop.

Watched another movie.

Watched it stop raining.

Watched the sunset.

Went to the hotel, ate a quick meal, and we are both getting ready for bed. That was the most exhausting trip ever, and it's only the first day! I wonder what tomorrow will hold?

Until then, we are yours,

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